A Jenkins project is a repeatable build which contains steps and post build actions. The type of action you can perform beginning of build step or post build action. There are many standard plugin are available with in a Jenkins free style project to help you to overcome your problem.
Jenkins create & build free style project
1. Free Style Project in Jenkins
A Jenkins project is contains steps and post build actions. The type of action we can perform in order to build step, post-build action or Jenkins pipeline. There are tons of standard plugin available in Jenkins to overcome our problem.
2. Jenkins - Creating Free Style build Job
For Creating the Jenkins free style job, we have to login to our Jenkins Dashboard. If it is hosted locally please visit http://localhost:8080 If you hosted some the URL visit over there.
Step - 1
Click on the new Item, top left corner of your dashboard -
Jenkins NewItem
Step - 2
Enter the name of the item, choose freestyle project and click on ok.
Freestyle Project
Step - 3
Enter the details of the project you want to set.
Jenkins Project Details
Step - 4
Under the source code management please enter your repo URL. In order to clone your repository and run it. Your url can be - https://github.com/kriru/firstJava.git
Jenkins Setup Git Project
Step - 5
Next click on Add build step - > Execute Windows batch command and add the command you want to execute, Our case -
javac HelloWorld.java
java HelloWorld
Jenkins Build Windows Batch Command
Step - 6
After that click on apply & Save - > Build now, in order to check whether the build is successful or not.
Jenkins Build Now
Jenkins Build Successful
Step - 7
If you want to explore it more you can click on console output to see the details result.
Jenkins console output
Congratulations, we have executed our HelloWorld program from Jenkins.
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